Competition Law in Conversation

The Competition Law in Conversation (CLiC) series is a joint project by The Competition Law Hub and the Competition Law and Digitalization Group at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The aim of the series is to provide a forum dedicated to discussing current issues that are of interest to the wider competition law community. It wants to provide an opportunity to engage in a discussion from a transnational point of view and make the best of the new culture of online webinars. Each single conversation in the series shapes and contributes to the broader debates that we lead in competition law. Let’s start the conversation!

Competition Law in Conversation with Magali Eben and Büttner Thomas 1120233

The Market Definition Notice 2024

In February 2024, the European Commission published its revised Market Definition Notice. For the first time, this new instrument contains...
Competition Law in Conversation with Brook and Hossenfelder 102023

Priority-Setting in Antitrust in the Digital Era

What cases are prioritised by competition authorities when it comes to the digital economy? What patterns can be observed, and...
Competition Law in Conversation with Gomez und Lianos 052023-0001

Competition Law in Conversation: Smart Farming

As farming becomes more digitalised and, in fact, ‘platformised’, the question arises whether competition law can harness some of the...
Competition Law in Conversation with Sean Mernagh and Viktoria Robertson 25.04.2023_Eventbrite-0001

Digital Merger Control: Past, Present and Future

The increasing concentration in digital markets has led to the question whether competition law has sufficient tools at its disposal...
Competition Law in Conversation with Katarzyna Czapracka and Filip Tuytschaever_06 December 2022_Eventbrite-0001

Online Distribution Under the New VBER

The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) entered into force on 1 June 2022. It introduces up-to-date rules for companies...
Competition Law in Conversation with Antoine Babinet and Florence Thepot_18 October 2022_Eventbrite-0001

Gatekeeper Status under the DMA

The new Digital Markets Act (DMA) strives to keep digital markets open and contestable despite the presence of important gatekeepers....

Cloud Computing and Competition Law

As the economy becomes more digitalised, cloud computing is poised to become a new frontier for digital competition. What types...

Digital Mergers and Killer Acquisitions

Over the past few years, Big Tech has gone on unprecedented buying sprees, buying up promising start-ups and diversifying its...

Digital Ecosystems and Competition Law

Large digital platforms are increasingly building self-contained digital ecosystems that capture users in unprecedented ways. What particular competition law problems...

Antitrust vs Privacy

In the digital economy, many questions find themselves at the intersection of competition law and data protection. The impending replacement...

Rethinking Competition Law

What will the future of competition law look like? Following the publication of their thought-provoking books in 2020 (Meagher, Competition...

Digital Competition Law Reform – Austria and Germany

Will the German competition law reform make other jurisdictions follow suit? What are Austria's plans on reforming its competition law...