The Competition
Law Hub

A platform for independent research into competition law and policy

Competition Law and Democracy

At the DACH Forum on Competition Policy hosted by Compass Lexecon in Vienna, Vicky Robertson held a…

New DMA Brochure

Vicky Robertson and Alexandre de Streel (Université de Namur) contributed to a new brochure on the Digital…

App Stores at the DMA Conference

On 24 June 2024, the European Competition Network (ECN) hosted a conference on the Digital Markets Act…



Vienna Competition Law Days 2024

On 12 and 13 September 2024, The Competition Law Hub will once again host the Vienna Competition Law Days at...
Competition Law in Conversation with Magali Eben and Büttner Thomas 1120233

The Market Definition Notice 2024

In February 2024, the European Commission published its revised Market Definition Notice. For the first time, this new instrument contains...

Insights into the Vienna Competition Law Days 2023

In the current issue of the Austrian Competition Journal (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht), Fabian Ziermann takes a look back at...



Judicial Review Project: Austrian Report

Within the broader framework of the EU-wide Judicial Review Project, we contribute the Austrian Report for this comprehensive empirical study...


DMA Brochure

New DMA Brochure

Vicky Robertson and Alexandre de Streel (Université de Namur) contributed to a new brochure on the Digital Markets Act (DMA)...

Superleague – Breaking Up Monopolies?

In his recent article in the Austrian Law Journal, Fabian Ziermann and his co-authors Dwayne Bach and Patrick Petschinka discuss...

The Economic Driver of Gaming Ecosystems

The first part of Fabian Ziermann’s three-part article on the nature of eSports and gaming ecosystems in SpoPrax, a German...


Titel Post 3

Competition Law and Democracy

At the DACH Forum on Competition Policy hosted by Compass Lexecon in Vienna, Vicky Robertson held a keynote asking “Can...
DMA Conference

App Stores at the DMA Conference

On 24 June 2024, the European Competition Network (ECN) hosted a conference on the Digital Markets Act in Amsterdam. The...
Brau Union

The Austrian Brau Union Case

In the Austrian national radio’s news show “Ö1 Mittagsjournal”, Vicky Robertson discussed the newest case brought by the Austrian Competition...